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New! Apply Online

Part 1

Applicant's Full Name

Primary Phone

Secondary Phone


Full Address

Position Applied For

How did you hear about this position?

Desired Pay Rate

Are you available to work

Select an option

Date available to start work

Days Available (Select all that apply)

What hours are you available to work on weekdays?

What hours are you available to work on weekends?

Have you ever applied to or worked for ADVANTAGE before?

Do you have friends, relatives or acquaintances that work(ed) for ADVANTAGE?

If yes, state name and relationship

If hired, would you have transportation to and from work?

Do you have a valid drivers license?

Do you meet the minimum legal age to work?

Are you a citizen of the United States and able to present required documentation?

If no, are you authorized to work in the U.S. and able to provide legal documentation?

Are you willing to submit to and authorize ADVANTAGE to perform a legal background check?

Checkbox List

(Submit part 1 & 2 separately, both sections required)

Part 2

Applicant's Full Name

Primary Phone

Education/Service High School: Name & location

High School: Highest grade completed

Did you graduate or earn a G.E.D?

Select an option

College or other training: Name & location

College or other training: Years completed

College: Did you graduate?

Select an option

College Major/Degree

Military Service: Branch of service, Period of active duty, Rank at discharge, Date of discharge

Employment History Company #1: Name, Address, Phone #, Supervisor name, Job title, Pay rate, Employment dates, Reason for leaving

Company #2: Name, Address, Phone #, Supervisor name, Job title, Pay rate, Employment dates, Reason for leaving

Company #3: Name, Address, Phone #, Supervisor name, Job title, Pay rate, Employment dates, Reason for leaving

Professional References Only (No friends/family) Reference #1: Full name, Relationship, Occupation, Company name, Address, Phone #, Years acquainted

Reference #2: Full name, Relationship, Occupation, Company name, Address, Phone #, Years acquainted

Reference #3: Full name, Relationship, Occupation, Company name, Address, Phone #, Years acquainted

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